Amcor Flexibles Zutphen wint goud bij de President's Safety Awards met iSee iKnow

Your organisation knows more then you can imagine.


Zuthpen 29-09-2010

Twee jaar na de invoering van iSee iKnow heeft de Zutphense vestiging van Amcor Flexibles de top bereikt met het winnen van de "President's Safety Award". AF Zutphen zet iSee iKnow in voor de ondersteuning van hun CI-programma's (Continues Improvement). Hierbij feliciteren wij AF Zutphen en de heer de Ruyter, de projectleider, in het bijzonder. Onderstaand citaat spreekt voor zich.

I am delighted to announce the following winners of the 2010 Amcor Flexibles Europe & Americas (AFEA) President’s Safety Award:


Gold Award – AF Zutphen (Netherlands)

For their submission of the ‘I See I Know’ digital e-learning system which combines safety awareness, evaluation and education. Owned and run by the co-workers, the system is actively supported by management.

Silver Award – AF Lieksa (Finland)

For their communication program to raise the awareness on Amcor safety issues in the local media and continuous safety communication on site through their internal safety rewarding systems.

Bronze Award – AF Madison (US)

For consistently implementing the ‘Fundamentals of a zero Injury Safety’ program including every day risk assessments by all co-workers on site prior to the start of their job. This motivates all co-workers to consider, analyze and document all risks in their areas.

These three sites have demonstrated outstanding work to achieve superior performance and were selected from the 35 sites that received the Excellence in Safety Award in July. The awards were judged against strict and transparent measurement criteria, based on the fiscal year ending 30 June 2010. AFEA Regional Safety Coordinators formed the judging panel under the chair of Bob Biasi AFEA Vice President R&D, CI and OHSE.

Our Safety Awards are intended to stimulate safety through ideas and programs that will reduce injuries by providing special OH&S programs that best exemplify and advance a world-class safety culture.

It will further enhance the high commitment to safety and will encourage everyone to work towards our goal of No Injuries.

Congratulations to all the co-workers of the three winning sites for achieving the award. Your high commitment to safety is valued and your efforts in keeping our company and people safe are appreciated.

Peter Brues


Amcor Flexibles Europe & Americas